Author: Awesomeoman


A quick and easy Cisco UCS backup script

This is a re-post of an original script I wrote for my old blog at In essence it is a Cisco UCS backup script utilising the UCS Powertool CMDlets provided by Cisco. Prior...


Lookup and Translate Domain SIDs

Translate Domain SIDs.ps1 A simple script today to perform a look up of an array of SIDs (Security Identifiers) against an Active Directory domain to check if the object exists or not. The components that...


Find Virtual Machines With Active Memory Limits

get-vms-with-memory-limits.ps1 There is a well known issue with Virtual Machines running on all versions of ESX from 3.0 to 5.5 regarding memory limits. The VMWare KB Article at goes into detail but in summary,...


Replace String In Multiple Files

This script is a recent real world example whereby Powershell was able to be used to quickly find and replace a string in multiple .bat files (hence replace string in multiple files). The files...